Yes you can, after looking hard and trying to find that will work for your situation. I have found three or that will work, so far. VPN4ALL, PureVPN, and WiTopia. Each one of them have there benifits. Just like VPN4ALL only gives you 5 Gigs because of it being consider a Mobile Device. Witopia only has 3 servers you can use but seems to work really well! I should know I used them with the Chrome OS in the past and right now!
The FAQ’s about the Acer C710-2856 and what you should know!
I have an acer nitro 5(i5 8300h model) which I use for gaming and occasional editing but recently the battery died and now im confined to only AC for the laptop to stay on but when I used to game I would have done the same unplugging after 100% and game on battery till it runs out cuze I thought the same thing about overcharging the battery but never thought gaming on battery charge cycles would have damaged it moreNow I have to buy a new internal battery to be able to game again on the laptop but in curious are all gaming laptops built like this with their batteries?
You answered all my main questions. I would like to know, if I should use the option to limit my battery charge to 90% max. while playing games with AC plugged in. Huawei even provides 70% option but I is actually 54% then, instead of 70%.. seems to be an mistake by them. Maybe 54% would be even better? My Huawei Matebook d14 is a office notebook but gives nice performance for my favorite game CS:GO. I just struggle with my concernes about the long-term damage to the battery. Maybe you could help me there. Thanks in advance 2ff7e9595c