We have a 2002 Tajima Neo TEJT C1501, it's a rather old machine and we stopped using floppies many moons ago. We swapped the floppy for a USB but now that's given up on us!! So, I'd like to construct a serial lead 9 pin female to 9 ping female so I can send patterns from our Windows 10 PC and Wilcom ES3 to the Tajima Neo TEJT C1501.I've seen a few cable configurations online but none for the Tajima!Can anyone help please?John UK
you can fing cable config for wilcom & toyota machine ónconlasmáquinasdebordar.aspx#Toyota toyota % tajima neo is same config also you can convert old floppy disk in usb contact me my whats app +525519146756
Tajima Serial Cable
DOWNLOAD: https://cinurl.com/2vGVv8
Using a serial coms connection from PC to embroidery machine is a very low cost reliable solution for design transfer. The cable is cheap to install and can run over 20 m without problem. However, conventional com serial ports are no longer standard on new PCs and adding a custom device or having a bespoke PC built to accommodate a serial coms port can make the solution more complicated and expensive.
The industry recommended solution to overcome this problem is a USB to serial convertor. However, the reliability of these devices has made the solution difficult to recommend with confidence. Embroidery machine suppliers report mixed results in terms of reliability of USB to serial convertors and this affects customer productivity.
The board comes without built-in USB circuitry, so an off-board USB-to-TTL serial converter must be used to upload sketches. For the 3.3V Arduino Pro boards, this can be a FTDI TTL-232R-3V3 USB - TTL Level Serial Converter Cable or the SparkFunFTDI Basic Breakout Board (3.3V). For the 5V Arduino Pro boards, use a TTL-232R USB - TTL Level Serial Converter or the SparkFunFTDI Basic Breakout Board (5V). (You can probably also get away with using a 5V USB-to-serial converter with a 3.3V board and vice-versa, but it's not recommended.)
If using the FTDI cable on Windows, you'll need to make one configuration change to enable the auto-reset. With the board connected, open the Device Manager (in Control Panels > System > Hardware), and find the USB Serial Port under Ports. Right-click and select properties, then go to Port Settings > Advanced and check Set RTS on Close under Miscellaneous Options.
The Arduino Pro Mini connected to (and powered by) a SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout Board and USB Mini-B cable. Note that on earlier Pro Mini boards the orientation of the 6-pin header may be reversed; check that the words GRN and BLK align on the Pro Mini and FTDI Basic Breakout.
The GPS receivers on the first flight in 2008 were a navigation-type receiver, not especially adapted for such an experiment. The data was collected on a single baseline with two dual-frequency receivers. The receivers were controlled by, and the data stored on, an ARM Linux board using an RS-232 serial connection.
The impedance catheter allows continuous measurement of ventricular volume. External influences have been described as causing parallel shifts in impedance-measured volumes; however, factors affecting impedance measurements in a nonparallel manner have not been fully characterized. Accordingly, an impedance catheter was placed inside a latex balloon into which known volumes of normal saline solution were injected. Conductive and nonconductive materials were individually placed within the balloon. Impedance was measured with materials touching (T) or not touching (NT) the catheter. Impedance-measured volumes were plotted versus actual volumes. Compared with the line of identity (LID), a statistical difference (p
A new Lightning Protection System (LPS) was designed and built at Launch Complex 39B (LC39B), at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida, which consists of a catenary wire system (at a height of about 181 meters above ground level) supported by three insulators installed atop three towers in a triangular configuration. A total of nine downconductors (each about 250 meters long, on average) are connected to the catenary wire system. Each of the nine downconductors is connected to a 7.62-meter radius circular counterpoise conductor with six equally spaced 6-meter long vertical grounding rods. Grounding requirements at LC39B call for all underground and above ground metallic piping, enclosures, raceways, and cable trays, within 7.62 meters of the counterpoise, to be bounded to the counterpoise, which results in a complex interconnected grounding system, given the many metallic piping, raceways, and cable trays that run in multiple direction around LC39B. The complexity of this grounding system makes the fall of potential method, which uses multiple metallic rods or stakes, unsuitable for measuring the grounding impedances of the downconductors. To calculate the downconductors grounding impedance, an Earth Ground Clamp (a stakeless grounding resistance measuring device) and a LPS Alternative Transient Program (ATP) model are used. The Earth Ground Clamp is used to measure the loop impedance plus the grounding impedance of each downconductor and the ATP model is used to calculate the loop impedance of each downconductor circuit. The grounding impedance of the downconductors is then calculated by subtracting the ATP calculated loop impedances from the Earth Ground Clamp measurements.
Concerns regarding possible transverse instabilities in RHIC and the SNS pointed to the need for measurements of the transverse coupling impedance of ring components. The impedance of the RHIC injection and abort kicker was measured using the conventional method based on the Ssub 21 forward transmission coefficient. A commercial 450 Omega twin-wire Lecher line were used and the data was interpreted via the log-formula. All measurements, were performed in test stands fully representing operational conditions including pulsed power supplies and connecting cables. The measured values for the transverse coupling impedance in kick direction and perpendicular to it are comparable inmore magnitude, but differ from Handbook predictions. less
The transfer impedance is a very important parameter of a beam position monitor (BPM) which relates its output signal with the beam current. The coaxial wire method is a standard technique to measure transfer impedance of the BPM. The conventional coaxial wire method requires impedance matching between coaxial wire and external circuits (vector network analyzer and associated cables). This paper presents a modified coaxial wire method for bench measurement of the transfer impedance of capacitive pickups like button electrodes and shoe box BPMs. Unlike the conventional coaxial wire method, in the modified coaxial wire method no impedance matching elements have been used between the device under test and the external circuit. The effect of impedance mismatch has been solved mathematically and a new expression of transfer impedance has been derived. The proposed method is verified through simulation of a button electrode BPM using cst studio suite. The new method is also applied to measure transfer impedance of a button electrode BPM developed for insertion devices of Indus-2 and the results are also compared with its simulations. Close agreement between measured and simulation results suggests that the modified coaxial wire setup can be exploited for the measurement of transfer impedance of capacitive BPMs like button electrodes and shoe box BPM.
We demonstrate the use of audio electronics-based signals to perform on-chip electrochemical measurements. Cell phones and portable music players are examples of consumer electronics that are easily operated and are ubiquitous worldwide. Audio output (play) and input (record) signals are voltage based and contain frequency and amplitude information. A cell phone, laptop soundcard and two compact audio players are compared with respect to frequency response; the laptop soundcard provides the most uniform frequency response, while the cell phone performance is found to be insufficient. The audio signals in the common portable music players and laptop soundcard operate in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz and are found to be applicable, as voltage input and output signals, to impedance-based electrochemical measurements in microfluidic systems. Validated impedance-based measurements of concentration (0.1-50 mM), flow rate (2-120 µL min-1) and particle detection (32 µm diameter) are demonstrated. The prevailing, lossless, wave audio file format is found to be suitable for data transmission to and from external sources, such as a centralized lab, and the cost of all hardware (in addition to audio devices) is 10 USD. The utility demonstrated here, in combination with the ubiquitous nature of portable audio electronics, presents new opportunities for impedance-based measurements in portable microfluidic systems.
Two-dimensional materials offer a novel platform for the development of future quantum technologies. However, the electrical characterisation of topological insulating states, non-local resistance, and bandgap tuning in atomically thin materials can be strongly affected by spurious signals arising from the measuring electronics. Common-mode voltages, dielectric leakage in the coaxial cables, and the limited input impedance of alternate-current amplifiers can mask the true nature of such high-impedance states. Here, we present an optical isolator circuit which grants access to such states by electrically decoupling the current-injection from the voltage-sensing circuitry. We benchmark our apparatus against two state-of-the-art measurements: the non-local resistance of a graphene Hall bar and the transfer characteristic of a WS2 field-effect transistor. Our system allows the quick characterisation of novel insulating states in two-dimensional materials with potential applications in future quantum technologies. 2ff7e9595c