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[New Release] 12

Writer's picture: horstrapicmetonisthorstrapicmetonist

Each release of the CUDA Toolkit requires a minimum version of the CUDA driver. The CUDA driver is backward compatible, meaning that applications compiled against a particular version of the CUDA will continue to work on subsequent (later) driver releases.

[New release] 12

** CUDA 11.0 was released with an earlier driver version, but by upgrading to Tesla Recommended Drivers 450.80.02 (Linux) / 452.39 (Windows), minor version compatibility is possible across the CUDA 11.x family of toolkits.

NVVM IR Update: with CUDA 12.0 we are releasing NVVM IR 2.0 which is incompatible with NVVM IR 1.x accepted by the libNVVM compiler in prior CUDA toolkit releases. Linking of NVVM IR Version 1.11 with 2.0 will result in a compiler error. Users of the libNVVM compiler in CUDA 12.0 toolkit must generate NVVM IR 2.0.

Features deprecated in the current release of the CUDA software still work in the current release, but their documentation may have been removed, and they will become officially unsupported in a future release. We recommend that developers employ alternative solutions to these features in their software.

32-bit compilation native and cross-compilation is removed from CUDA 12.0 and later Toolkit. Use the CUDA Toolkit from earlier releases for 32-bit compilation. CUDA Driver will continue to support running existing 32-bit applications on existing GPUs except Hopper. Hopper does not support 32-bit applications. Ada will be the last architecture with driver support for 32-bit applications.

For optimal performance on NVIDIA Hopper architecture, cuBLAS needs to allocate a bigger internal workspace (64 MiB) than on the previous architectures (8 MiB). In the current and previous releases, cuBLAS allocates 256 MiB. This will be addressed in a future release. A possible workaround is to set the CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG environment variable to :32768:2 when running cuBLAS on NvMediaDlaPingById Hopper architecture.

* Testing conducted by Apple in May 2018 using iPhone 6 Plus supporting normal peak performance, prerelease iOS 11.4, and prerelease iOS 12. Keyboard tested using Safari; Camera tested by swiping from the Lock screen. Performance varies based on specific configuration, content, battery health, usage, software versions, and other factors.

This week also brings the brilliant new collaboration between Black Thought and Danger Mouse called Cheat Codes, Hudson Mohawke's Cry Sugar, the 30th anniversary edition of Check Your Head from the Beastie Boys and more. Contributor Christina Lee joins WXPN's John Morrison, Radio Milwaukee's Tarik Moody and host Robin Hilton as they share their picks for the best new releases out on Aug. 12.

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