If you're looking for a good adult coloring book for all experience levels, the Color and Frame In The Garden Coloring Book (view at Amazon) is a great choice. It's filled with 31 images of detailed leaf and flower patterns, and the perforated pages can be ripped out and displayed.
Adult coloring books can be a great stress reliever for people who are feeling overwhelmed or find their minds being pulled in too many different directions, says licensed mental health counselor GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC. Coloring can be a great grounding exercise for adults, Guarino adds, as it allows the brain to focus on one simple task.
completed secret garden coloring book
Mantzios M, Giannou K. When did coloring books become mindful? Exploring the effectiveness of a novel method of mindfulness-guided instructions for coloring books to increase mindfulness and decrease anxiety. Front Psychol. 2018;9:56. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00056
With all the hype surrounding Harper Lee's "Go Set a Watchman," it might be a surprise that the book that is outselling it on Amazon is an adult coloring book: Johanna Basford's "Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book."
Basford, a Scottish illustrator, filled "Secret Garden" with intricate black-and-white drawings of birds, flowers and other images of nature, and has sold 1.4 million copies in 22 languages since 2013, according to the New York Times. Her newest coloring book, "Enchanted Forest," which came out in February, has already sold 226,000 copies.
In a world in which people go on "digital detoxes" and adults regularly agree to put their phones on the dinner table to force engagement with each other, it makes sense that in the place of interacting with a screen is the Luddite, therapeutic childhood pleasure of coloring in a book.
"The first illustration I finished coloring in this book, I actually sent to my mom -- and I'm a grown woman!" wrote one Amazon reviewer. "I can't wait to do more. Get yourself this grown-up coloring book and a set of nice colored pencils. You'll find the process meditative and rewarding."
In 2011, Basford, then a silk-screen designer in the fashion world, was approached by Laurence King Publishing when they found her work online, reports the New York Times. Although the company wanted her to do a children's coloring book, she suggested an adult coloring book, which was novel at the time. Now the trend for adult coloring books is growing, and the selling point is not just aesthetics and passing the time, but the stress-relieving qualities of coloring.
Louise Woollam, a 44-year-old accountant in London, began coloring last year when she lost her sense of smell. "I had an enjoyable hobby as a fragrance writer previously," Woollam told International Business Times. "I've been practicing mindfulness as a way of dealing with the depression that arose from my condition, and these seemed like a nice, creative accompaniment to my other therapies." Although she hasn't used Basford's books -- she uses the "Art Therapy" series featuring the work of Richard Merritt, whose drawings she describes as "very beautiful and very complex" -- the reasons she colors are similar to other adults who use coloring books.
This interactive coloring book, with 96 colouring pages waiting to be brought to life with color, takes you on a ramble through a garden created in beautifully detailed pen and ink illustrations by Johanna Basford.There are pictures to color, mazes to solve, patterns to complete and lots of space for you to add your own inky drawings. Use felt tip pens to add a splash of color or a black pen with a fine nib to create your own doodles and details.
Chronicle Books-Secret Garden Coloring Book. Tumble down the rabbit hole and find yourself in an inky black and white wonderland. This interactive activity book takes you on a ramble through a secret garden created in beautifully detailed pen and ink illustrations- all waiting to be brought to life through coloring, but each also sheltering all kinds of tiny creatures just waiting to be found. And there are also bits of the garden that still need to be completed by you. Appealing to all ages, the intricately-realized world of the Secret Garden is both beautiful and inspirational. This book contains sixty-three different images to color. Author: Johanna Basford. Softcover; 96 pages. Published Year: 2013. ISBN 978-1-78067-106-2. Imported.
"Bargain Books" are brand new items that have minor physical blemishes due to shipping or handling that do not affect the use of the item. All Bargain Books are sold as is and all sales are final (no returns, exchanges or cancellations). Bargain books will remain in shopping cart for up to 12 hours and will then be removed if order is not completed. Orders consisting of regular and Bargain items can be purchased by credit card or PayPal and are shipped together (with two packing slips).
Johanna Basford is a Scottish artist of coloring books and her mission is to help you create a masterpiece! The designs have a decidedly whimsical feel but the ivory paper makes them sophisticated as well for the discerning colorist. In her quest books, there are several hidden images throughout. Enchanted Forest has you finding symbols carved into stone tablets to unlock a castle door and discover what lies within. Secret Garden asks you to add onto the images as you find all of the creepy crawlies hiding in the garden. You will need a fine felt-tip pen for this one (such as 065313.) Puzzles are solved in the back, but dont peek! 86pp, 10x10 paper back w/jacket covers (that you can remove and color!)
Johanna Basford, author of "Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book," one of the most popular adult coloring books, is one of several artists who have Facebook pages and websites where people can share their works.
Basford had been approached by Laurence King Publishing in 2011 after the publisher had seen Basford's work online. While the publisher originally wanted a colouring book for children, Basford proposed one for adults.[2] Basford was inspired by several of her clients joking with her that they would enjoy colouring in her work, which was frequently done in black and white.[3] Initially the publisher was reluctant to release such an unorthodox book. However they eventually relented and the first run quickly sold out.[3] The book's success is frequently cited as starting the adult coloring book trend.[2][3] The book is modelled after the Brodick Castle Gardens on the Isle of Arran where Basford played as a child.[4]By August 2015, Secret Garden had sold 6.8 million copies worldwide[5] and launched the colouring trend for adults. In February 2015, Basford released a second book: Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest & Colouring Book,[6] and a third, Lost Ocean: An Inky Adventure and Colouring Book in October 2015.[7]
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I recently discovered Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book by Johanna Basford. The line drawings in this book are so beautiful, I was drawn to them right away. To start, the book cover is filled with ink drawings of plants, flowers, bees, butterflies, and more, all intricately woven together. Occasional flowers and more boast gold foil to set them off. You can take the cover off of the book and color the inside, if you like, because it is drawn in such a way as to invite coloring in.
The book itself is a brown paperback with more black ink of plants and bugs, and is filled with a backyard of wonderment. Each new scene or shape has little critters hiding, so while you color in the leaves, flowers, and branches, you can also search for frogs, butterflies, bees, birds, keys, snails, and even a treasure chest. (The answer key is in the back.) Some of the pages guide your drawing and coloring, encouraging you to draw song birds or plants, while others are mostly already filled in, and ache for your choice of color. There are mazes in which to get lost. A treehouse. A peacock. Topiaries. A backyard. A flower garden. A wreath. A lantern. Plenty more.
Tumble down the rabbit hole and find yourself in an inky black-and-white wonderland. This interactive activity book takes you on a ramble through a secret garden created in beautifully detailed pen-and-ink illustrations - all waiting to be brought to life through colouring, but each also sheltering all kinds of tiny creatures just waiting to be found. And there are also bits of the garden that still need to be completed by you. Appealing to all ages, the intricately-realized world of the Secret Garden is both beautiful and inspirational.
I am the author and illustrator of the bestselling coloring books for adults, Creative Cats, and Owls, together which have sold more than 2 million copies. My newest books include Creative Kittens, Fanciful Foxes, Pampered Pets, Fanciful Fashions, Dazzling Dogs, and Elegant Elephants. My coloring books earn rave reviews from beginning and experienced colorists alike because of their intricacy and whimsical style. My love of patterns and my collection of vintage illustrated books and ephemera have influenced my style. Over the span of my art career, I\u2019ve also designed hundreds of collectibles and crafts that have delighted collectors throughout the world. Explore my website galleries to see my work. 2ff7e9595c